Welcome to Basic Survivalism

After years of apparent stability in the United States, things have changed.  However, not everyone has woken up to this fact yet.  

  • The US government is ruled by overly influential special interest groups and corporate greed.  
  • The US currency is in deep trouble
  • There is no such thing as "Freedom of the Press" in the highly sensationalized garbage better known as the "media".  It is all bought and paid for. 
  • Our personal "freedoms" are being taken away at an alarming rate, especially since 9/11.  

The people in power are hoping that the american population will continue being the same easily manipulated "sheep" they have turned into  ...Sheep who's favorite thing to do is eat their "food products", drink beer and watch "reality" TV.  

Here's the problem...

  • Some of us never bought into all of the BS to begin with
  • More of us are waking up and starting to take action

Here at Basic Survivalism we are deeply concerned about the state of the United States.  

  • We've taken steps and we are prepared for a variety of potential disasters.  
  • We live off the grid as much as possible and make investments now that will allow us to be even more self sufficient in the future.  
  • We are financially savvy, having diversified our investments so we won't be caught empty handed should the dollar collapse.  
  • We are consummate barterers.  
  • We educate ourselves and practice our skills so that we know how to survive out in the wild if things break down so badly that it becomes necessary.  

Basically we call ourselves:

  • Survivalists
  • Preppers
  • Homesteaders
  • SMART (Survival Minded Actively Resisting Types)

Often we have to keep all of the above a big secret from our local friends and family because they are not supportive and often down right critical.  Enter Basic Survivalism as a place where you can get ready, learn from experts and join forces with other like-minded people. 

We hope you will join us!